Remote Patient Monitoring & Pregnancy: Before Baby-Monitoring

This blog post discusses the challenges faced by pregnant women with gestational diabetes and the role of remote patient monitoring in improving their prenatal care. Remote patient monitoring, including tracking glucose levels and receiving feedback from nutritionists and clinicians, has shown significant results in reducing complications and improving maternal and newborn health. This blog post discusses the challenges faced by pregnant women with gestational diabetes and the role of remote patient monitoring in improving their prenatal care. Remote patient monitoring, including tracking glucose levels and receiving feedback from nutritionists and clinicians, has shown significant results in reducing complications and improving maternal and newborn health.
David Medeiros
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How RPM Is Helping Expecting Mothers Before Pregnancy.

Pregnancy is not an easy experience. Especially for women who develop gestational diabetes. Bringing a new life into the world is a wonderful, fulfilling journey. But for mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes, those extraordinary nine months are also filled with anxiety, and the never-ending need to remain aware, and in control of, the various complications that can occur.

One of the greatest gifts modern medical advancements have given us is peace of mind. Nowhere is this more true than in the remote monitoring of prenatal care for patients with diabetes and other related diseases. For these expecting mothers, remote patient monitoring and other remote patient technology have provided new solutions for reducing risk factors during pregnancy and has allowed them to focus on the most important aspect of their experience: the joys of becoming a parent.


Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes mellitus is defined as a carbohydrate intolerance of variable severity, which is typically first diagnosed during pregnancy. Unlike other types of diabetes, gestational diabetes is not caused by a lack of insulin but rather stems from insulin resistance that usually occurs after the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Within America, growing rates of obesity and diabetes have resulted in more cases of gestational diabetes being diagnosed. The prevalence of the disease ranges from 2-9% of normal pregnancies for a given year. The effects of gestational diabetes can be devastating, with adverse health effects being seen in both expectant mothers and newborns. Some of these issues can continue into adulthood for children born to mothers with GDM.

As the number of women being diagnosed with GDM continues to rise, the need for effective pre-natal monitoring has become a priority within the medical community. It is this priority that has led to remote patient monitoring becoming the new normal of prenatal care.


Capacity Building for Remote Patient Monitoring of GDM Patients

The main goal of remote patient monitoring GDM patients is to obtain data about the levels of glucose in their systems. This is done in order to properly assess and maintain these levels at safe ratios, which results in pregnancies with fewer complications. Remote patient monitoring has created the capacity for consistent, clinically-assessed monitoring of these glucose levels; revolutionizing the ways these patients can safely navigate their prenatal care.

Approximately 70-85% of GDM patients receiving remote patient monitoring services achieve stable glucose levels solely based on dietary intervention. By tracking glucose levels during dietary intervention, patients can receive feedback about their health status, while simultaneously being advised by nutritionists and clinicians who monitor their progress. This form of remote patient monitoring intervention has been proven to have incredible results for GDM patients, including significant improvements in maternal weight gain, gestational age of newborns, and healthier birth weights.

In consideration of the severity of health issues GDM can have on newborns and mothers, the success rate for these remote patient monitoring solutions is an incredible example of progress for what has previously been a difficult and risky illness to treat.

Recent studies also back the superiority of remote patient monitoring for GDM patients. A study conducted at Descartes University in Paris called “Understanding the Adoption and Diffusion of a Telemonitoring Solution in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Qualitative Study.” supports and encourages the adoption of remote patient monitoring systems in the treatment of GDM patients.

For the patients themselves, GDM remote patient monitoring has given them the tools needed to take control of their pregnancy; providing a sense of security in knowing that their health is being consistently monitored in ways that reduce the risk for themselves and their newborns. Accuhealth’s products and services are designed to meet the needs of GDM patients head-on. Our devices and accompanying services allow for remote monitoring solutions that provide both doctors and expectant mothers the assurance they need to safely and happily navigate pregnancy with gestational diabetes.

To learn more about Accuhealth and RPM, access the resources below.

  1. How to Set Up Your Remote Patient Monitoring System
  2. The Complete Guide to Remote Patient Monitoring

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Accuhealth is proud to feature content from industry-leading experts that contribute in-depth knowledge of Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth subject matter to our blog.

David Medeiros

David Medeiros

David Medeiros is a Remote Patient Monitoring expert with 10 years of clinical, telehealth and home care experience, specifically in Remote Patient Monitoring. With his team, David has been able to develop RPM/Telehealth from the early pilot years, to the industry leading juggernaut that Accuhealth is today.

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