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Below you will find a list of the most recent posts made on the Accuhealth Blog. You may filter the posts using the right-hand sidebar to limit the visible content.

  • What Is Telehealth ?

    7 minute read

    Origins of Telehealth The roots of telehealth can be traced back to the 19th century when the advent of telecommunication tools such as the telegraph and telephone laid the groundwork for remote medical consultations. Over the next decades, telehealth evolved in tandem with communication advancements.

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  • Telehealth and the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule

    8 minute read

    Extended Telehealth Services and Locations At the close of 2021, Congress passed the 2022 Consolidated Appropriations Act, extending specific telehealth provisions introduced during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) for an additional 151 days after the PHE concluded. Subsequently, in December 2022, the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act (2023 CAA) further prolonged these measures until the end of 2024. As Congress considers the possibility of making these telehealth policies permanent, industry stakeholders have eagerly awaited updates from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

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  • Bridging the Gap: Addressing Staff Shortages in U.S. Healthcare

    7 minute read

    The Growing Staff Shortage Crisis The healthcare sector is increasingly challenged by demographic changes, notably the aging population coupled with rising life expectancy. This shift has amplified the demand for healthcare services, yet the supply of qualified professionals has not kept pace. The result is a critical shortage of staff across many healthcare facilities, exacerbating the challenges of delivering quality care.

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  • A New Approach to Chronic Care Management 

    13 minute read

    Accuhealth Offers a Personalized Approach to Chronic Care Management Living with a chronic condition can be daunting, not just for patients but also for their loved ones. Juggling doctor’s appointments, managing medications, and navigating complex healthcare systems can leave families feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn.

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  • The Future of CMS and Remote Patient Monitoring

    6 minute read

    One major change outlined in the 2024 Proposed Rule pertains to the reimbursement for remote monitoring services provided to new versus established patients. Currently, CMS provides a higher reimbursement rate for remote monitoring services delivered to new patients as compared to established patients. However, in the 2024 Proposed Rule, CMS is opting to eliminate this distinction and provide equal reimbursement rates for both new and established patients. This change aims to encourage providers to continue offering remote monitoring services to all patients, regardless of their status as new or established.

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  • What Is the Difference Between Telehealth and Virtual Visits?

    7 minute read

    Telehealth Telehealth is a broad term that encompasses a range of remote healthcare services. It refers to the use of technology to deliver healthcare services, including medical consultations, diagnoses, monitoring, education, and more. Telehealth leverages various communication tools, such as video conferencing, telephone calls, secure messaging, and even remote monitoring devices, to bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers.

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  • A Comprehensive Checklist for Physicians Considering Chronic Care Management in Their Practice

    9 minute read

    As healthcare continues to evolve, the focus on chronic care management (CCM) has become increasingly important. With the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, physicians are exploring ways to provide comprehensive care to their patients beyond the confines of the traditional office visit. The imperative for physicians to consider the integration of CCM services is underscored not only by the demographic realities of an aging population with a higher prevalence of chronic conditions but also by a growing awareness of the benefits associated with proactive, continuous care. Incorporating CCM services into practice can help enhance patient outcomes, improve satisfaction, and increase practice revenue. However, before diving into this endeavor, physicians must assess whether CCM aligns with their practice. In this article, we present an in-depth checklist designed to guide physicians through the intricate process of assessing, planning, and implementing CCM services within their practice. Assess Patient Population Begin by evaluating your patient population to identify those who will benefit the most from CCM – patients with chronic conditions requiring regular follow-up, complex medical histories, and a high risk of hospitalization. Ensure that there is a sufficient number of eligible patients to make the program financially viable. Understand Reimbursement Policies Familiarize yourself with reimbursement policies and guidelines outlined by Medicare or private insurers for CCM. Gauge the potential financial impact and ensure that the program's reimbursement structure aligns with your practice's goals and available resources. Evaluate Practice Infrastructure Thoroughly review your practice's infrastructure, including electronic health record (EHR) capabilities, patient communication tools, and staff resources. Assess whether your existing systems can support the additional requirements of CCM, such as remote patient monitoring and secure patient messaging. Engage and Educate Staff Involve your staff in the decision-making process and provide comprehensive training on implementing CCM services. Ensure that everyone understands the program's objectives, workflows, and documentation requirements. Assign dedicated staff to manage the program efficiently. Develop Care Plans and Protocols Create standardized care plans and protocols for common chronic conditions in your patient population. Ensure that these plans are evidence-based, regularly updated, and accessible to all healthcare providers involved in the patient's care. Incorporate patient-specific goals and preferences into the care plans. Establish Patient Engagement Strategies Devise strategies to engage patients in their own care. Implement tools for remote patient monitoring, patient portals, and secure messaging systems to facilitate ongoing communication and education. Ensure patients understand the benefits of CCM and actively participate in the program. Coordinate with Specialists and Community Resources Collaborate with specialists and community resources to ensure comprehensive and coordinated care for your patients. Establish communication channels and referral networks to facilitate seamless transitions and information exchange between providers. Implement Outcome Measurement Mechanisms Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of your CCM program. Track metrics like hospitalization rates, emergency room visits, medication adherence, and patient satisfaction. Regularly assess these metrics to identify areas for improvement and validate the program's effectiveness. Maintain Regulatory Compliance Stay updated on regulatory requirements and compliance guidelines related to CCM. Familiarize yourself with HIPAA regulations, billing and coding requirements, and documentation standards. Ensure strict adherence to these guidelines to avoid legal or financial repercussions. Monitor Financial Viability Evaluate the financial implications of implementing CCM services in your practice. Assess the costs associated with staff training, additional technology, and ongoing program management. Determine the potential return on investment and ensure the program aligns with your practice's financial goals. Moving Forward The journey toward adopting CCM is not merely a procedural shift but a transformative leap that demands meticulous planning, engagement of stakeholders, and a commitment to redefining the patient-provider relationship. Integrating CCM services into your practice can significantly improve patient outcomes and enhance the overall quality of care. However, success hinges on careful consideration and planning. As the healthcare paradigm continues to evolve, the successful integration of CCM services stands as a testament to a practice's adaptability, foresight, and commitment to patient-centric care. By leveraging the insights presented in this comprehensive checklist, physicians can embark on the CCM journey with confidence, knowing that each facet of their practice has been meticulously aligned with the principles and requirements of CCM.

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  • Demystifying Remote Patient Monitoring Documentation Requirements

    11 minute read

    The world of healthcare has witnessed a rapid transformation in recent years, and one area that has seen significant growth is remote patient monitoring (RPM). With advancements in technology and an increasing focus on patient-centric care, RPM has become an integral part of modern healthcare practices. However, as with any medical service, proper documentation is crucial to ensure compliance, accurate billing, and quality patient care. In this blog post, we will discuss the documentation requirements for remote patient monitoring in 2023.

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  • Managing COPD with Remote Patient Monitoring: Harnessing the Power of Peak Flow Meters

    10 minute read

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disease that affects millions of people worldwide, impacting their quality of life and posing significant challenges in managing the condition. In the United States alone, it is estimated that approximately 16 million people suffer from COPD, with millions more currently undiagnosed..

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  • Telehealth is Here to Stay: How Physicians and Patients are Embracing Digital Healthcare

    8 minute read

    In the era of digital connectivity and ever-evolving healthcare technology, patients seek seamless digital communication integration into their healthcare experiences. A positive side effect of the pandemic has been the eruption of telehealth. According to the Harvard Business Review, Medicare telehealth utilization showed a 63-fold increase during the pandemic.

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  • How to Leverage Data With Remote Patient Monitoring

    7 minute read

    Bridging The Gap with Evelyn Remote patient monitoring enables healthcare professionals to bridge the gap between hospital visits and home care, providing a continuous stream of data that offers a comprehensive view of a patient's health status. Using a fully managed RPM solution like Accuhealth, with a clinical monitoring team reduces the burden on providers all while enhancing and extending the continuity of care for their patients. Accuhealth's easy-to-use platform, Evelyn AI-enhanced, employs predictive analytics and sentiment analysis. This technology allows Accuhealth to spot changes in patient behavior and highlight trends to a physician who can help the patient if they fall off their care plan. By analyzing trends and changes in vital signs, medication adherence, and other health metrics, healthcare providers can gain valuable insights into a patient's condition and make informed decisions about their treatment plan.

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  • Accelerating Recovery: Remote Patient Monitoring with Accuhealth in Post-Operative Care

    5 minute read

    By leveraging RPM solutions like Accuhealth, healthcare providers can closely monitor patients' recovery progress from the comfort of their homes. This blog post will explore how remote patient monitoring with Accuhealth can accelerate recovery and transform the post-operative care experience.

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  • Enhance Your Workforce Efficiency: Pitching the Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) to Your Boss

    8 minute read

    In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, innovative technologies are transforming patient care delivery. One such technology that has gained significant traction is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM). RPM enables healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients' vital signs, symptoms, and overall well-being from their homes. Integrating RPM into your organization's healthcare practices can significantly enhance workforce efficiency and patient outcomes. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of RPM and provide you with a comprehensive pitch to convince your boss of its undeniable advantages. Insider Intelligence estimates that 30 million US patients will use RPM tools by 2024. Additionally, a study by Deloitte shows that consumers are more invested in taking responsibility for their healthcare and how they interact with their providers.

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  • The Importance of Patient Engagement Post-PHE for Remote Patient Monitoring

    9 minute read

    Active Patient Participation: Remote patient monitoring relies on active patient participation to collect accurate health data and ensure effective care management. Engaging patients in their health journey fosters a sense of empowerment and responsibility, encouraging them to manage their conditions actively. Enabling patients to monitor their vital signs, symptoms, and other health parameters at home helps create a partnership between patients and healthcare providers, leading to better decision-making and treatment outcomes.

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  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Remote Patient Monitoring

    9 minute read

    In recent years, technological advancements have revolutionized the healthcare industry. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have emerged as powerful tools that have the potential to transform remote patient monitoring (RPM). By leveraging AI and ML algorithms, healthcare providers can gather and analyze vast amounts of patient data, enabling them to provide personalized care and make accurate predictions. In this blog post, we will explore the exciting prospects that AI and ML hold for remote patient monitoring and the likely impact they will have on the future of healthcare.

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  • The Future of RPM and CCM: A Consolidated Approach

    8 minute read

    Upcoming CMS Changes Point to an Impending Merger of RPM and CCM Programs, Streamlining Reimbursement and Enhancing Comprehensive Care With recent changes to CMS, Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM) could be on the brink of becoming one and the same program. In an effort to do more with less and combine two powerful programs, we may see CMS initiate a plan in the coming years which will see RPM and CCM merge into one comprehensive model. This would see the merger of remote monitoring CPT codes 99453, 99454, 99457, and 99458 and CCM CPT codes 99490, 99491, 99487, and 99489 into one monthly reimbursement model. The code associated with both RPM and CCM (CPT 99454, for use of PRM device/device transmission reimbursement) has stayed the same, thus the merging of these two programs seems imminent.

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  • Why Raising Money for RPM Companies Isn't Always a Good Thing

    5 minute read

    While RPM has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry, starting an RPM company requires careful consideration. One of the most significant decisions that executives must make is how to fund the business. While raising capital may seem like the obvious choice, in some cases it can actually hinder the company's scalability, flexibility and ultimately profitability in the long run. In this post, we will examine the different approaches to funding a Remote Patient Monitoring company, and how each approach can affect the long-term vision and growth trajectory.

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  • Accuhealth: The Fastest Growing RPM Company in North America

    13 minute read

    Accuhealth Ranked 108 On Deloitte Fast 500 Accuhealth has been ranked 108th on the prestigious Deloitte Technology Fast 500 list for North America. The list ranks the 500 fastest-growing companies in the technology, media, telecommunications, life sciences, fintech, and energy tech sectors in North America based on revenue growth from 2018 to 2021. Accuhealth achieved an impressive growth rate of 1,372% during this period, cementing its position as a major player in the remote patient monitoring industry. This recognition underscores Accuhealth's commitment to innovation and providing reliable solutions to the healthcare sector. In this blog post, we delve deeper into Accuhealth's journey toward achieving this impressive feat and explore what it means for the company and its clients.

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  • Top 10 Remote Patient Monitoring Compliance Tips

    19 minute read

    RPM technology allows physicians to track a patient's vital signs, symptoms, and medication adherence without requiring the patient to be physically present in the office. This not only provides patients with the convenience of receiving care from the comfort of their own home, but it also helps physicians to identify potential health concerns before they escalate into more serious issues.

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  • The End of the Public Health Emergency for Physicians: What You Need to Know

    3 minute read

    First, it's important to understand what the PHE period is and how it affects RPM. The PHE was declared in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and it allowed for a number of changes to the way healthcare is delivered in the United States. One of these changes was the expansion of Medicare coverage for RPM services, allowing physicians to provide remote monitoring for patients with chronic conditions and other health issues.

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  • Difference Between Telehealth & Remote Patient Monitoring

    10 minute read

    How Remote Patient Monitoring is Used In order to understand the differences between remote patient monitoring (or RPM) and telehealth, we first need to define RPM, how it’s used, and what tools come into play. At its core RPM is the act of recording health and medical data to be shared with a healthcare provider. The beauty of RPM is that critical information such as patient vitals can be digitally transmitted from one location to the next.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring & Ehr Systems: The 2 Becoming 1

    15 minute read

    Healthcare technology is developing faster than ever before. Can we predict which emerging tech will reach the ubiquitous standard of electronic health records? In order to understand what will succeed, we need to understand what already has.

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  • The Complete Guide to Remote Patient Monitoring | Accuhealth

    33 minute read

    Remote patient monitoring is a relatively new concept and you’ve got questions. So, we created an all-in-one overview that answers all of your questions about telehealth and Remote Patient Monitoring, and how to implement it in your clinic or practice.

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  • Setting up a Remote Patient Monitoring System | Accuhealth

    36 minute read

    In this mega-guide, we will break down every step of setting up a remote patient monitoring system in your practice and what that will look like for you. Your practice is a multifaceted machine, and many pieces have to align to make the transition into using remote patient monitoring a good one.

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  • Cpt 99453 & 99454 Billing Guidelines: The 16 Day Rule

    4 minute read

    Introduction By now, it is pretty easy to understand why Remote Patient/Physiological Monitoring (RPM) is here to stay. It’s very difficult to debunk this service as it benefits the patient, the public, and the provider. But as with all successful programs, the laws and regulations evolve with time to ensure compliance and efficacy of the program.

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  • Managing Diabetes with Remote Patient Monitoring

    7 minute read

    The diabetes epidemic currently affects tens of millions of Americans and is one of the most prolific diseases of the 21st century. Modern advancements have had incredible effects on the quality of life of people living with diabetes. There is still much we need to educate ourselves on about the onset and management of diabetes.

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  • Understanding the New Remote Therapeutic Monitoring CPT Codes

    6 minute read

    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services released their proposed 2022 Medicare Physician Fees Schedule on July 13th. The release was in accordance with five new CPT Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) codes that deal with non-physiologic patient data, including respiratory system status, musculoskeletal system status, therapy/medication response, therapy/medication adherence, and pain. Although the proposed set of codes is accepted by advocates for virtual care, the proposed MPFS that deals with RTM is likely to bring as many questions as it answers.

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  • What is Remote Patient Monitoring Used For?

    7 minute read

    How is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) used today? Remote Patient Monitoring, or RPM has many applications within a large variety of healthcare fields. In the United States, providers are already putting RPM technology to effective use in the treatment of some of the country’s most prevalent conditions, such as diabetes, asthma, obesity, high blood pressure and many other high-occurrence diseases.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring Definition & Examples | Accuhealth

    10 minute read

    What is Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM)? In its simplest definition, RPM or Remote Patient Monitoring is the use of technology that allows for healthcare to be provided to patients at a distance. In other words, RPM simply entails using technology to collect, transmit, and analyze patient health data. Whether from home, or another remote setting external to a traditional clinic, RPM makes it possible to manage health without the added barriers created by physical care.

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  • UPDATE: TMHP 2021 Billing Code Changes – Everything You Need to Know

    2 minute read

    What the recent TMHP 2021 billing code changes really mean, and how to keep providing telemonitoring services for your TMHP-eligible patients. TMHP has clarified that Telemonitoring CPT Code 99091 will only be paid at the Medicare allowed rate ($55) for dual eligible patients that have Medicare as Primary Insurance.

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  • Benefits of Remote Patient Monitoring | Accuhealth

    17 minute read

    In today's ever-expanding world of patient care, Remote Patient Monitoring & Telehealth provides many with the opportunities to get the health care they need or want. RPM has made it possible to spend more time with patient care, made billing easier, and allowed providers and staff to see and monitor data at an actual time. With continually expanding benefits, RPM has become an integral part of today's healthcare industry.

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  • New Trends in Remote Patient Monitoring

    8 minute read

    RPM is currently an evolving trend with a future that doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Now, this technology has shown an improvement in a patient’s quality of care within the medical field. It uses spans onsite locations like hospitals and clinics, along with patients at their homes and even remote areas far from a hospital.

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  • 2021 CMS Remote Patient Monitoring Changes

    4 minute read

    2021 Physician Fee Schedule CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) just announced the 2021 Physician Fee Schedule with important updates to Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) and it has some important changes that all RPM providers should know:

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  • Cyber Security and Remote Patient Monitoring

    8 minute read

    When it comes to new technology, protecting the flow of data is crucial in a world of cybercrime and security. This is especially vital in today's healthcare fields as a patient's data can be a prime target for criminals.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring Devices - An Introduction

    9 minute read

    For all of these reasons, it is worth taking the time to explore Remote patient monitoring (“RPM”) devices and what makes a great RPM device. Whether you are a healthcare professional who is thinking about incorporating RPM into your practice or are hearing about RPM devices for the first time, understanding what makes a great RPM device can help you accomplish your goals.

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  • 10 Common Problems With Remote Patient Monitoring | Accuhealth

    8 minute read

    While many “RPM" initiatives continue to be small, they certainly punch above their weight. Simply put, RPM continues to offer immense benefits for patients and healthcare providers alike. Learn what crucial mistakes not to make when selecting a vendor to move your clinic to virtual care.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring and the Influx of Baby Boomers

    7 minute read

    How the aging U.S. population is leading to an increase in remote patient monitoring. The number of Americans aged 65 or older will climb to more than 71 million by the year 2029, a projected 73% increase, according to the U.S. Census Bureau statistics. Born between 1946 and 1964, the aging of the Baby Boomer generation highlights the challenges the country faces in caring for an aging population.

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  • EMR & EHR Integration - The Key to a Successful Remote Patient Monitoring Program

    3 minute read

    How effective integration into Electronic Medical Record Systems creates successful remote monitoring program implementation. There are many features that are crucial for remote patient monitoring programs to be successful. From navigable platform design to no-cost device and deployment, many factors play significant roles in the success or failure of RPM implementation.

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  • Scaling Telehealth Programs With Remote Patient Monitoring

    8 minute read

    Remote Patient Monitoring Increasing Clinic Revenue. Remote Patient Monitoring provides many forms of value to clinics and practices. RPM has shown clear benefits for patient health outcomes, and is proven to significantly increase quality of care overall. While this creates obvious benefits for clinics, the bottom line is that this value must also translate into financial stability and revenue growth for clinics, in order to become a truly sustainable form of care provision.

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  • Proposed Billing and Coding Changes for Remote Patient Monitoring in 2020 and 2021

    8 minute read

    Proposed Billing and Coding Changes for 2020 and 2021 Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) has proven to be a game-changer in the medical and psychiatry fields. While this innovation has helped many providers find new ways to connect with their patients, it has also led to the big question of, “Who’s going to pay for all this?”. While the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services or CMS is often offering to pay for RPM, the question often puts a somber mood on the subject. But fear not, since there is a more than adequate answer.

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  • Remain Compliant with Your RPM Billing Requirements

    6 minute read

    How to remain in compliance with medical billing codes with remote monitoring of clinical patients. While deploying a remote patient monitoring program can be an exciting opportunity for clinics to expand their offerings, many providers experience anxiety in regards to the seeming complexities of billing for RPM.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring & Weight Loss Monitoring

    9 minute read

    Remote Patient Monitor Obesity Patients to Study Effect on Weight Loss With western culture’s dietary habits coupled with a lack of physical activity, the numbers of overweight or obese individuals are increasing. And because of various obesity-related diseases, there is a growing burden on health. Negatively affecting not only personal health, obesity also negatively affects national economies, making it a serious global problem.

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  • 5 Most Common Remote Patient Monitoring Questions

    11 minute read

    How does Remote Patient Monitoring work, and how can clinics implement it in safe, successful ways? Deploying a Remote Patient Monitoring program can seem like an overwhelming undertaking, with many clinics and providers unsure of where or how to start. The industry surrounding RPM devices, implementation, and program management has many offerings, and countless companies pushing to be at the forefront of service provision.

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  • Providing in a Pandemic - How RPM Can Help

    5 minute read

    Lessons Learned About the Use of Telemedicine During a Global Viral Outbreak 2020 has brought some of society’s greatest fears to life. While global outbreaks of deadly viruses have been experienced throughout history, COVID-19 was the first to occur in a generation defined by technological advancement.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring & the Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

    9 minute read

    How Accuhealth navigates RPM services through the proposed changes to the 2021 MPFS. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed a new Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for 2021, which has several implications that may affect Remote Patient Monitoring Programs throughout the United States.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring - The Doctor Knows Best

    3 minute read

    The Importance of Physician-First Service Provision for Remote Patient Monitoring Physician-first service is based on the philosophy that patients trust and follow their doctors advice. This approach to RPM service provision ensures a complete integration into a providers’ current Doctor/Clinic process and technology ecosystem.

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  • COVID-19 and The Future Of Medicine: Remote Monitoring The New Standard Of Care

    3 minute read

    Although remote patient monitoring systems have been in sporadic use for a number of years, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a rapid acceleration and widespread acceptance of these technologies that will have an enduring positive impact on the future of medical care, both for patients and physicians.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring & Digital Asthma Monitoring

    5 minute read

    RPM is Providing New Hope for Patients with Asthmatic Conditions Asthma, a chronic disease that affects millions of people, ranges in severity and treatment potential. The disease produces swelling and narrowing of the bronchi and bronchioles after the onset of an inflammatory reaction, caused by an erosive or allergenic trigger.

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  • Remote Patient Monitoring & Pregnancy: Before Baby-Monitoring

    7 minute read

    How RPM Is Helping Expecting Mothers Before Pregnancy. Pregnancy is not an easy experience. Especially for women who develop gestational diabetes. Bringing a new life into the world is a wonderful, fulfilling journey. But for mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes, those extraordinary nine months are also filled with anxiety, and the never-ending need to remain aware, and in control of, the various complications that can occur.

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  • Making a Case for Remote Patient Monitoring

    16 minute read

    Extensive Benefits By implementing Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM), patients can effectively manage their chronic conditions and reduce the need for costly emergency room visits or hospitalizations. Regular monitoring of their health status can lead to better care regimens and improved outcomes. The choices patients make regarding their medications, weight management, diabetes, blood sugar levels, and hypertension can all be tracked through RPM, allowing healthcare providers to make faster decisions to improve their patients' overall health.

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